Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Morning Coffee

What a week! And as my life goes, the weekend is usually busier. It looks like I will be getting a plane ticket to go to New Orleans to help drive the bucket truck and car back home. I am not really looking forward to it. I have a lot to do here. I spent the early part of the week being Chainsaw Charlie after Drexel and Paola were hit with 100 mph straight line winds. It wore me out! I thought that my pink hard hat was about to get its 15 minutes of fame when I was doing a large tree removal after the storm in Drexel and the news helicopter was overhead and the news crew was there also. The removal went well and it fell exactly where I wanted it, then all the neighbors around cheered and a woman handed me a Gatorade and 6 men sawed up the tree. I watched the news for it that evening and sure enough, they showed my jobsite, but only the people dragging my fallen tree to the curb. Ugh...

Last night I went hunting in the Treasure barns and got another load of amazing vintage stuff to paint, list and put in the shop. I sold all the metal toolboxes from the first round so that was my goal. I did find 2 more, but also some really neat other things. Like the scale in the picture. I better get to scrubbing this morning. I have a tree bid at 9am and the shop open at 10am so off for some more coffee and get my day rolling.

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