I have been enjoying my garden and planting herbs and learning what to do with them. So far I have made essential oils and put them in fun vintage glass bottles, used them as scents and made a wonderful lip balm. As I read more about aromatherapy and its benefits I have found a few easy ways to incorporate it into my life. This morning I started with Lemon Oil. Lemon has bactericidal and antiseptic properties and is used to fight infectious diseases. It also treats oily skin, sore throat, wrinkles.... the list goes on and on. And get this; it has recently been shown by scientists in France that it may be effective in the prevention of breast and other types of cancer. Lemon oil is found in the peel of the lemon, you know it, the burst of oil and flavor that comes out if you were to order a twist in your cocktail. Even more amazing, this little wonder oil was sitting in my fridge this morning. So, I cut the end off, the part that is mostly peel, and squeezed it in a big glass of water. Yummy!
Since I'm in a bright lemony mood now I wanted to share some gorgeous Etsy items I found with this theme. Please soak it in and click on the links below the pictures to visit their beautiful shops full of handmade goodness.
Handmade Bag by Bayanhippo
Hand Felted Baby Blanket by olofsdaughters
Hand Printed Organic Tea Towel by madderroot
Hand Made Hair Pins by binageyer
Thank you so much for including my hair pins - I love lemons :)