Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fiber Arts Versus Valium

Yesterday was all about the yarn. Journey, my sister in law had a doctor's appointment on the same day that she had scheduled a lesson for Makena (her daughter) to learn how to use the huge weaving loom she had got her for Christmas. I quickly volunteered to come over and stay with her during her lesson. It is a 7 foot pine wood loom for weaving yarn into a shawl. It is wonderful and I watched and took notes while drooling. As I was taking notes and being Makena's back up I was planning where I could put a 7 foot triangle in my house. Then I decided some new yarn would probably give me the quick fix I was craving. The shawl picture is an example of what can be woven on the loom and I found it on this gorgeous etsy site

I had been contemplating trying to knit socks because we love our merino wool, tres expensive, outdoorsy, snobby socks from the Backwoods Store or Dynamic Earth and thought what fun to knit something useful and appreciated. I ran over to Sprouts because when I first had the knitting socks idea I figured there was a way to do it on a circular needle and this whole 5 double pointed needle thing just looked like it defeats the purpose of being relaxing and meditative. Julie is always amazing and helpful and showed me the sock book by Cat Bordhi and sure enough it shows how to knit socks on circular needles. Julie then suggested I stray from the instructions in the book and instead of buying 2 identical needles I should buy a #2 24 inch and 32 inch. That way my collection continues to grow. What a good drug dealer.... errr I mean yarn seller she is! I in no way mean she deals drugs! I mean she fills my yarn, fiber, creativity addiction with just what the doctor orders! These two needles had different colored cables between them and I found that nice also to give me a little reassurance of which one I was using next. So, here are pics of the beginning of my first knitted socks. Love it! It has totally consumed me and that is exactly what I was wanting. It makes me focus less on what my husband needs to be doing (because that is my job right?) It also makes me appreciate why wool socks cost so much. You can see by the picture that an evening of knitting didn't get me very far. My kids asked why I was knitting baby socks?!

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