Thursday, May 28, 2009

Coming Home Again-You Go Girl

Last Saturday I took 3 of the kids and headed to an auction in Ottawa KS.  I enjoyed it.  The kids got a few things that have sparked the imagination.  The farmers enjoyed bidding against a young women for wood working tools!  They were very confused that I wasn't hanging out at the Cookie Jar Collections or housewares.   But I seemed to have a whole week of "You Go Girl" Moments. Just a couple days before we got an emergency removal call here at home.  A 50ish foot tree hanging over a drive way.  I was the only crew and all the tools were scattered everywhere.  So after some gathering and what seemed like forever to cut the notch because all our saws were dull here, it dropped perfectly.  John told his boss in New Orleans about it and he said; "I would have liked to seen that.  I've never seen a woman do tree work."  

Yesterday I organized the shop from dropping all the auction stuff in the door and running off to New Orleans.  So today I am going to turn out some new cottage decor and work on my "Under the Sea" Gourd.  After I hit publish on this I am going to give the kids a list of stuff I want done around the house.  That should go over well.  Oh, and when I was in New Orleans we went to the knitting shop in the French corner and John had his knitted coffee cup sleeve on his latte and the shop owner Loved It.  I was so surprised that she hadn't seen one before.  I might have to make some for the local coffee shop.  Hmmmmm   The picture above is the lollipops I made for my niece's dance recital.  They turned out super cute.  

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Catching up From Louisiana

It has been a crazy week.  Kids last week of school.  Monday flying home from visiting John in New Orleans.  Lots of Etsy Orders.  Laundry.  Local work and bids to do....... So, I will post a picture of my weekend getaway with my husband and get to shipping.  Oh, and visit this blog, she featured my gourd.  So sweet of her.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Morning in New Orleans

I booked a flight Thursday to come see John in New Orleans.  I didn't want to leave everything but he was pouting.  I arrived Friday afternoon with no troubles and we had a wonderful evening and morning.  I am so glad I did.  It seemed to help him also.  He is enjoying the work down here but it is a whole different life for him.  He is staying in a nice apartment with 3 young guys and they don't have furniture, but they seem to work well together and live well together.  He even made fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy for them.  I think tonight I will get their key and have dinner ready for them when they all get done working.  So that leaves the rest of my day to explore New Orleans.  I am doing John's laundry at my hotel then I'm out to the old town.  I think I am going to look up Etsy Artists that have brick and morter shops down here and check them out.  I would love to find some antique shops and flea markets.  

The guys are working on the New Orleans City Park and it is beautiful!  Huge Live Oaks with branches so big they touch the ground and grow back up.  I will post pictures tomorrow.  My plane fly's out early tomorrow.  I wish I had a couple more days.  :(  

Above is a picture of our Brownie girls at the Kansas Arboretum for their bridging ceremony.  They are now Girl Scouts!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

100 Sales

Sunday I made my 100th sale on Etsy!  I am so excited.  When I stumbled over this venue in December I never imagined I would hit 100.  I realize this may not be a lot compared to some sellers on Etsy but I am so thrilled.  I am going to make the woman who bought the 100th item a gourd snowman today.  Can't wait.  I can't spend much blogging time this morning because life is crazy when it's 1 adult against 6 kids.  I don't think I sat down yesterday until the sports banquet was over last night.  More updates later, Gotta "Run to the city".  A phrase I never thought I would say! LOL

Vintage Costume patterns were my 100th sale.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fishing in The Ocean for His Birthday

My husband got a phone call Friday evening asking him to fill a spot on a crew in New Orleans.  This is strange since usually he is the one bringing the crew to the jobs but times are different and the company was already renting our bucket truck, so a steady check sounded good.  So yesterday he was starting to get antsy so I told him that I would feel better about it if he would make the drive in 2 days instead of trying to kill himself in one.  He said; "Really, I was kindof thinking that too."  He was really excited to get there early and fish in the ocean.  This morning he called to tell me happy mother's day and he said thank you for letting him fish on his Birthday.  
I have fun vintage stuff to list this week and I stocked up my vintage chairs to repaint.  I should have lots of time with John out of town.  I am going to open the doors to the shop this week also.  Just a couple more weeks of school and the summer is already sounding crazy with the 6 kids.  All four girls seem to have plans other than me so it may be little boys and the beach in New Orleans!  Who Knows!  I guess that is the fun of living life by the day.  
My birdhouse (above) was picked for a treasury, so say a little prayer that it makes the front page.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Schools Out?

You are not going to believe this!  The 5 kids at Catholic school are out today because of a water leak.  So, to make it even more unbelievable, we let Caitlyn skip school too.  It really helped getting the house clean.  Of course, it was messier because they were home, but they were pretty good about it.  I think we are going to pack up and go fishing.  

Last weekend was JC weekend (Joint Custody or sometimes thank Jesus Christ they are gone)  and John and I loaded in the truck with the boat and grabbed the neighbor couple and went North to the Nebraska, Missouri border and went fishing and mushroom hunting.  It was wonderful.  We found around 60 mushrooms and fried them over a camp fire.  I got a picture of the largest one.  It was bigger than a beaver.  I caught a drum fish with my pink fishing pole.  It was purple.  

I have been working on cottage style furniture and a couple gourd birdhouses.  I will post stuff shortly.  Gotta run and go fishing with 6 kids and a crazy husband on a Tuesday!  Weird.